Xi Xiang Ji - 35mm + live score

This special screening on 35mm will include a Live Score composed and performed by Aurora Engine. As aspiring young scholar named Zhang Gong, en route to the capital for the civil service examination, makes an overnight stop at the scenic Pujiu Si (the temple of universal salvation) in Puzhou. There he spots the enigmatic young beauty Cui Yingying sequestered in mourning for her deceased father, a minister of state. Scholar Zhang is instantly enamoured of Yingying’s beauty but finds he must win the favour of her strict mother. In the face of numerous obstacles, the young couple initiates a passionate love affair aided solely by Yingying’s maid Hongniang. Only when Zhang saves Yingying’s life does her mother finally permit them to unite in marriage. Traditional Chinese and French intertitles. Xi Xiang Ji is a silent film made in 1927. This print was made from a French nitrate projection print (hence the French intertitles), which is apparently the only surviving print in existence. Given the incredibly rare nature of the print, we are taking the opportunity to screen it even though it is not available with English subtitles. Audience members will be given a 3-page handout with the English translation of the intertitles to refer to if necessary. Screening as part of Women Hold Up Half the Sky — a touring season of Chinese cinema presented by MINT Chinese Film Festival (MINT CFF) x Aya Films. ------ Year of Celebration Film - Donate £50 at checkout 2024 marks 85 years since our cinema (originally the Cosmo) was built, 50 years since GFT was founded and the 20th edition of Glasgow Film Festival. Whilst our box office and bar sales only cover around 50% of our annual costs and help keep the film reels rolling, we rely on donations and fundraising to run our education and community activities. We need your help! Celebrate 50 years of GFT by donating £50 at checkout. A £50 donation also secures your seat at our special January screening. Find out more or donate HERE. Your contribution matters.DramaPT45MCTBC2024-10-26
Cho-cho Lam
Li Dandan
Ge Lijiang
Hou Yao
Li Minwei
Xi Xiang Ji - 35mm + live score"Xi Xiang Ji - 35mm + live score"


October 26, 6:00 pm

Glasgow Film | Website