1944. In Vermiglio, a high mountain village of the Italian Alps where war looms as a distant but constant threat. The arrival of Pietro, a refugee soldier, disrupts the dynamics of the local teacher’s family, changing them forever.
During the four seasons marking the end of the Second World War, Pietro and Lucia, the eldest daughter of the family are instantly drawn to each other, leading to marriage and an unexpected fate. As the world emerges from its tragedy, the family will face its own.
Italian with English subtitles.
Year of Celebration Film - Donate £50 at checkout
2024 marks 85 years since our cinema (originally the Cosmo) was built, 50 years since GFT was founded and the 20th edition of Glasgow Film Festival.
Whilst our box office and bar sales only cover around 50% of our annual costs and help keep the film reels rolling, we rely on donations and fundraising to run our education and community activities. We need your help!
Celebrate 50 years of GFT by donating £50 at checkout. A £50 donation also secures your seat at our special January screening. Find out more or donate HERE. Your contribution matters.Vermiglio showing at: January 17, 1:00 pm
Location: Glasgow Film TheatreBox Office opens 30 minutes before first screening, 12 Rose Street, Glasgow,, G3 6RB11