
Based on the real-life experiences of Ed Horman, Jack Lemmon stars as the conservative American businessman who travels to Chile to investigate the sudden disappearance of his son after a military takeover. Accompanied by his son's wife (Sissy Spacek) he uncovers a trail of cover-ups that implicate the US State department which supports the dictatorship. Screening as part of our Jack Lemmon 100 season.Missing showing at: February 13, 8:00 pm

Location: Glasgow Film TheatreBox Office opens 30 minutes before first screening, 12 Rose Street, Glasgow,, G3 6RB12

Jack Lemmon
Sissy Spacek
Melanie Mayron
John Shea
Charles Cioffi
David Clennon
Richard Venture
Jerry Hardin
Richard Bradford
Joe Regalbuto
Peter Guber
Jon Peters
Edward Lewis
Mildred Lewis
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