
Truth is stranger than fiction in Bushman, a rare sort of film portrait, part documentary, part imagined – poetic in its approach to real events. Directed by David Schickele, Bushman follows Gabriel (Paul Eyam Nzie Okpokam), a young Nigerian, living in San Francisco. Lovestruck and culturally stranded he faces the harsh realities of life in the 1960s. Interwoven through his adventures in America are glances back to his African origins, and the dualities of the political and racial mood of the US alongside the terrible and elusive Civil War in Nigeria. Through a blend of irony, poetry and nuanced storytelling, Bushman guides audiences through the profound complexities of the human experience.Bushman showing at: July 16, 4:25 pm

Location: Glasgow Film TheatreBox Office opens 30 minutes before first screening, 12 Rose Street, Glasgow,, G3 6RB9

Paul Eyam Nzie Opokam
Elaine Featherstone
Mike Slye
Jack Nance
David Schickele
Daniel Loewenthal
Arnie Cohen
Mary Colwell
Rick Paup
Pat Riley
James Spears
Ken Valentine
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